Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Live Life.... Now

This post is from Corey and it is really good.
I am so glad that Colton and Corey are writing. I hope to get the others to write also

As often happens, last night when I was exiting this monstrosity with a family album on the side(sometimes I feel like I'm driving a scrapbook on wheels) and walking into a Walmart for more toilet paper and to stand and stare at the hard liquor section and wonder if it could really make it all better, I struck up a conversation with a guy who obviously saw me leave the RV. After a quick explanation of our adventure, as usual I got the bewildered and confused look....eyes glaze over, stupor of thought, and slurred speech, as he began to process what it must be like to wad 7 people into roughly 240 square feet for 6 months, sometimes I just want to hold them close and whisper in their ear..... buddy you got know idea!!! And then the response which inevitably always comes..... " I've always wanted to do that" or "someday I want to do that" or " when I retire" , without fail 99.99% of the people I have talked to and its been quite a few have thought, dreamed or talked about this vary adventure.

Probably, the biggest eye opener was back in Boise before we left. I had bought some sapling trees off Craigslist from a family and had taken the boys over to pick them up. I commented to the lady that she had 2 handsome young boys and she responded that she actually had three, they had lost one several years before to a terrible sickness. Not wanting to elaborate she quickly turned the attention to me asking me about my family. I told her we wanted to plant these trees now so they would start growing in the spring as we wouldn't' be here to plant them. She asked why not and I told her of our impending adventure. Her eyes moistened and you could tell she was reaching deep into her memory, "I would give anything if I could turn back time and take my boys.....all my boys on a trip like that". A flood of emotion overcame both of us, and I thanked her for her soft heart and honest response and as we left I quietly thanked the Lord for each member of my family. As I have pondered this experience and the many others that I have had along this trip thus far, I ask myself how many times have I responded with a, "If only I could" or "when the time is right", " what if it doesn't work out", " I shouldn't", " what will people think", " people my age don't do that" and a plethora of other fear laden responses. How many experiences have I robbed myself of because I lived in the comfortable confines of my safe world? How many times did I not wear that shirt in my closet because I was waiting for a perfect day or event to wear it to? How many times have I pushed a dream or great idea aside because of a comment or sarcastic remark from another "friend", how many times have a I said, I'll do that when I have more time, money, flexibility. I am beginning to realize that that day that I'm waiting for is now and that if I wait I may never have that opportunity or day again. By stepping out of the comfortable confines of our home,family,friends,schools and leaving behind many other things that we just "couldn't live without"... our family has been blessed with so many experiences that we may not of otherwise had. I thank Heavenly Father for a wife that has wisdom beyond her years and moves forward with faith and certainty. I'm grateful for wonderful boys that fill my life with excitement and keep me young and I'm grateful for a little girl that showers me with love and has blessed me in more ways than she will ever know.


John said...

Thanks Corey for the great reminder. Keep the faith Brother.


Lonni said...

I am loving reading your adventures. And Corey-- it's perfect... you are all finding your voices. Keep it up!

Stephanie said...

Corey this is so great! These experiences will have such a long lasting effect and value. After my family did this for 2 1/2 months when I was a kid, we couldn't stop talking about it. Now, when my brothers and I think and talk about our childhood, that trip comes up #1 best thing we did and the most memorable. You won't regret this!