Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 23 -Days I have missed

Day 23
Weds. January 26, 2011

Way to long since I have wrote. I have really fallen in love with journaling everyday. I feel incomplete when I don't get to. I am spending way to much time being tired. So many great things and some really not so great things. We had such a fun time at Disney land. I loved, loved Disney Adventure park.
Real quick I have to journal some funny coments from the boys. I just got back from a walk and found Caleb on the swing on the beach. He was wiping off a cookie. He said, "I dropped my cookie". I said," Caleb why are you eating a cookie"? And he said," I have my vitamin". I asked him,"why are you eating a cookie before breakfast?" he said," I will eat my vitamin first then I will eat my cookie". I said,"don't you think you should eat your breakfast first"? He said ,"no I don't care". Now as I am writing this he has grabbed some of my strawberry salad and is eating that. He is so my son.

Another funny comment was from Carston. Corey was driving this beast of a bus. Corey made a comment to Carston. Carston responded to Corey by saying, "you have turned into such a Diva since we have been on this trip".
I was really sick of living in a R.V. yesterday. I got so spoiled staying at the Anderson's house that it took courage to get back on the R.V. I think it was more the feeling of being taken care of. I didn't have to cook or clean for days. It was so nice to get a break, it was a reality check to get back into being the mom.
After we left the Anderson's I went to the 99 cent store. I got some food and supplies. When I was checking out the checker and I were talking. Let me give you a visual of her. She was black and had a cute short haircut looked like she was in pretty good shape. She was a grandma and didn't look like one. I was telling her what we were doing and about my family. She had been raised in a family of 14. She said she only wanted one child after being raised in a big family. She also said," if she knew what she knew now she would have never had any kids". She said," It's way to hard to have kids grow up in this world. It seemed like she had lived a hard life or was a born pessismist or possibly both. Or became a pessimist after living a hard life. I told her how tired I was from doing 2 days a Disney. I said," I just don't have it in me any more". She said," ya you do, you just need to excercise( How does she know that I don't excercise it couldn't be because I'm a great amount of lbs overweight). She said" that I shouldn't let myself go when I'm a mom". I oddly enough appreciated her straight shooting. I liked how she was so honest. I have thought a lot about what she has said. I knew she was right on. She was genuine and real. Her words have had a great effect on me. Hopefully enough to take better care of myself and to stop with the excuses.

We stayed the night at a beach parking lot. I really hate dry camping. I thought I was made to just live one minute at a time. But I'm not sure if I am. I miss my bath tub. I love having unlimited amounts of hot water. A washer and dryer to choose not to wash my clothes if I want to. I also like knowing where my home is. We are in between worlds. The world of being on vacation and the world of school, bills and being self disciplined. The lines are very fine. I know I will get the system down. Probably the last week of our journey.
We are having many great moments also. I just am in a down swing right now. Catch me a little later on the up swing.


Stephanie said...

Ally, you've written so many times in your blogs how tired you are and I've been worried about you!! Are you taking good vitamins? Enough rest? Believe it or not, exercise makes a HUGE difference! Make time to go by yourself or take Addy on a 30 minute power walk. You'll be tired at first but you will start to feel a difference. Don't you love how bossy I am? I must really love you! :-)

Allysun said...

Thanks Steph you are so sweet! No I am not taking my vitamins. I left my Reliv at home. And it does the trick for keeping my fatigue away. I have started excersising and I am going to find a way to get my reliv. And I am going to start taking better care of myself. Thanks so much for your concern. Love you and miss you hope all is well back home