Monday, December 13, 2010

Really coming together

Well everything is really coming together. We have found a family to rent our home. And on Saturday we finally found our home on wheels. We are leaving January first and will be in the redwoods by Monday the 3 to begin our journey. We are so excited! Lots to do, I had a friend say to me when I was explaining of all the things we needed to get in order for this to happen. He said it makes me tired listening to all you have to do. And usually in other circumstances he would be right. It's so funny how when you are excited about something it doesn't seem like work at all. Another thing that is a reminder to me. When we let go and turn it over to Heavenly Father it makes the work load so much lighter. Well there you have it this is really happening. We are really going to do this. Ready or not here we come.

1 comment:

Pryors said...

Love you guys and I'm excited for you