Keep it coming! Keep the judgement and the negativity coming! Well not really I don't want negativity and judgement to keep coming. But if it does we can handle it. It actually only makes our resolve that much stronger. I am pretty irritated tonight which is an improvement from earlier today. Let me explain why. Through this experience we have been faced with many different blessings and many different challenges. Today was one of those challenges. We have been accused of being selfish. And I quote" now are you doing this for yourselves? Because it's not fair to the kids." We have been accused of being naive. Quote" It's not what you think it's going to be. I saw this very thing on Oprah and it was a nightmare for them." We have been accused of being Quitters! quote " What is your intention? Are you trying to run away from your responsibilities?" Because you don't want to teach your kids to be Quitters. Quote" It's going to be really hard are your sure you can handle it." Quote" what are you going to do about the boys school are you going to teach them? I hate to say it but your not the most studious of people.
Now after reading the above statements can you tell me any good that comes from thinking negative?
It's natural to believe that everyone in your circle will wish you well in your new endeavor. Be prepared: Not all of them will. The best way to handle the situation is to let your success speak for itself. Proving the skeptics wrong can be a compelling motivation to continue on.
I thought I would respond to each response, but then I thought No! We know who we are, we know why we are doing this and we know how we are doing this. And the reality is there will always be people who will be skeptical, judgemental and critical of everything we do. For whatever there reasons are. Two of those comments come from loving parents who are afraid. One is afraid for our safety. The other is afraid to be away from the boys for along time because their his life. And one in my opinion comes from jealousy. It's all the more reason to continue on. Don't allow others to paint you in a box and put limits on you. Regardless of why they want to put limits on you.
Now I know I have been one of these skeptics in the past as well. We all have had are bad moments. I don't want to dwell on negativity. I am learning, and this is one of the many strong lessons to come from this experience. I feel I am by nature a positive person but I know that we can easily get dragged down by others. If were not careful we can fall into the trap of being judgemental, gossipy, critical and skeptical. I choose to not be that way! I choose to teach my children to not be that way. And I avoid certain people who are that way.
Now on a more positive note. The majority of the responses have been very supportive and positive. One comment to me was," your doing what most of us dream of doing but never dare to do." Lots have said I am so excited for all of you. Many have given us ideas of where to go on our trip. And many have said you will never regret it!
Well I suppose I can get off my soap box now. Our family is so very blessed and know matter what others wonder or think, it does not matter because we are a family and we have a Heavenly Father who loves us and wants only the best for us.
Much Love the Christensen's who are daring enough to do!