Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Down and out

I suppose it's only natural that with the excitement and anticipation there will come along with it, down and out days. I have been trying to pin point why I feel so down today. I suppose it is alot of things. One of the motivations to get out of town has to do with this Gargantuon house. No its not the biggest house in the world but when it needs a cleaning it feels like its the Marriot. The rooms seem to go on and on and on. I sometimes ask myself," am I running away". And to a certain degree I believe I am. Is running away really that bad. I am running away from the day in and day out of all the responsiblities that come with running the Marriot I mean our house.

I want less stuff and more experiences.

I want less yelling at my kids to clean up the house and more hiking up a mountain together.

I want less fighting and more laughing.

I want less feelings of being overwhelmed and more feelings of being content.

I want less laundry and more time to read to my kids.

I want less emails and more talking with my kids.

I want less t.v and more games.

I want less obsession about my weight and more dancing with my family.

I want less homework and more one on one learning together.

I want less paperwork and more crafting and creating.

I want less dieting and more cooking healthy and yummy foods.

I want less energy wasted on my to do list and more energy spent on my to be list.

I want less outside world and more family time.

I suppose that you don't need to travel in an R.V. for 6 months to do all this. But for me I guess its the only way we will.

by: Richard G. Scott

Are there so many fascinating, exciting things to do or so many challenges pressing down upon you that it is hard to keep focused on that which is essential? When things of the world crowd in, all too often the wrong things take highest priority. Then it is easy to forget the fundamental purpose of life. Satan has a powerful tool to use against good people. It is distraction. He would have good people fill life with “good things” so there is no room for the essential ones. Have you unconsciously been caught in that trap?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Big Buses and Big Blessings

This was written along time ago just barely posting.
Well today started out as a fun day. We went and looked at an old bus that has been converted to a motor home. We would need to put some work into it. It is set up perfectly for our family. I love the idea of putting the finishing touches on it. I love that we can finish it, it will feel more like our home that way. I thought all day about what I want to do to it. So much fun! We are going back tomorrow to test drive it. Who knows maybe will swing by your place and empty our septic tank in your gutter drains! I'm sure you wouldn't mind. Just look for Corey in his white sweater with his black dickey. Make sure you have some eggnog waiting for us. You only wish.

I went about the rest of my day. Later in the afternoon I stopped by one of my best friends house to drop something off. As I was driving off she came running towards the car, asked me to roll my window down. She told me that one of our good friends is looking for a home to rent. She shared a little bit about there experience and said that her ward is fasting for them to find a home. I didn't say a word to her but could not believe what she was telling me. As soon as I left I called my friend and left her a message. She called me back immediately and said "Allysun, you don't know how weird this is. I have been looking for a home in your neighborhood."

I love how the lord works. Not only is he directing our path but he is blessing another family in the process. I am so glad he is in charge he does such a better job than we do. He is in the details. We are loving this journey!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Wake- Up

Are you there? Are you awake? WAKE UP! I am awake, in and out of sleep. That is in and out of sleeping(and a lot of times eating)my way through life. You know what I am talking about. When you have a quick moment that you wake up and have a thought, then somebody or something tells you to go back to sleep! Because you can't possibly be daring enough or strong enough to go through life wide awake. I am amazed at life and the gift that it is. A couple of weeks ago I had a dream. I was actually wide awake when this dream came jumping in. It usually happens when I lay my head down on my pillow. I have always been a wakedreamer(yes i made that word up ) I suppose my spirit responds best at night when everyone is asleep and I can just be and think. I had this amazing wake up moment. It was, are you ready.....? Sell everything, quit Corey's job, buy a motor home and travel the states for a year. It was so powerful that I new that it would be hours before it would let me actually go to sleep. I so badly wanted to wake Corey but couldn't bring myself to, knowing he had along day of work ahead. So I lay there wide awake filled with Excitement and anticipation waiting to share it with Corey. It was actually hours before my body won the battle over my mind and spirit, allowing me time to go over all of the details that I knew would be asked. How, what , where and when? I will not take credit for this idea it is not mine to claim. I will definitely not give credit to the adversary who wants me to stay a sleep. It came from the One who created me. He created me and my family to move, dance, sing, laugh, love, dream,believe and do! I know that when we allow ourselves to surrender and be still, He comes to us very quickly and wakes us up. Sometimes he wakes us with the morning light. Sometimes he wakes us with a kiss or a push out of bed. Many times he wakes us with another person who is in our life. Regardless when its time to wake up He makes sure we wake up and put are feet on the ground and begin are day...(life). Well I have began that day and have been pushing through lets just say my morning. I told Corey he didn't say a lot but he did say he liked the idea, asked some questions about his concerns. We talked to the boys, all of them but one are on board. Deep down Corey feels torn and rightfully so. Corey is slowly, well actually quickly(because I won't let him be) working through the idea. I have to admit that if the tables were turned I wouldn't be as responsive to this as he has been. I am convinced that is why the Lord picked me instead of him to get the message to us.I am so impressed with Corey and how open he is to making this a reality. We have been working through some of the actual details, some of the concerns,some of the reality's, some of the nay sayers, some of the believers, some of the supporters, some of the really wish I wouldn't have talked to youers and some of the inspirationers. Which is helping me to know in the future which one of the oners do I want to be? By the way I know that those are made up words! I have come across many aha moments since this wake up call. Sometimes I find myself getting a little drowsy from someone else's thoughts or actual words. But the Lord keeps me awake in all His different ways. So, friends and family this is how we have gotten to this point. I have a few different moments of validation and inspiration that I am going to share but I will do that a little while later. Hopefully this will answer some or all of your questions, and more than anything our family only hopes to wake you up if you too have been sleeping to much. Just so you know I am not implying that you have to do what our family is doing to wake up. You know what your own journey is and if you are awake or not.

Much love the Christensen Gypsy's

by : Jeffrey R. Holland
God expects you to have enough faith and determination and enough trust in Him to keep moving, keep living, keep rejoicing. In fact, He expects you not simply to face the future (that sounds pretty grim and stoic); He expects you to embrace and shape the future--to love it and rejoice in it and delight in your opportunities.“God is anxiously waiting for the chance to answer your prayers and fulfill your dreams, just as He always has. But He can’t if you don’t pray, and He can’t if you don’t dream. In short, He can’t if you don’t believe.”
“Terror, Triumph, and a Wedding Feast,” CES Fireside for Young Adults, Sept. 12, 2004, 2-3